Utility Bill Error Recovery Service

Occasionally, utility companies make errors with billing and when we find them we highlight these to clients as part of our service.

In the last 18 months we have uncovered errors with two Primary schools and as a result we entered into a recovery service agreement with both where we successfully recovered over £60,000 for our clients.

We operate on a "no win no fee" basis and the average time for us to recover over-payments is around 3 months.

If you were supplied by British Gas in the period July 2015 to April 2016  there may be a chance that you have a significant billing error - please contact us in the first instance. If you have other billing queries we'll be pleased to help.


Energy Supplies
We also offer a no obligation energy pricing service to allow you to check the market rates to ensure your receiving value for money. Rates are constantly on the move and what seemed a good rate last year may not be!

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